Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday is Archeology

On Friday, I go to the Museum and catalog artifacts. I do not get
t0 handle many prehistoric dinosaur bones, but do handle millions
of arrow points, flakes of flint and bit of bone. For someone who
did not have an archeological education, just seeing artifacts is
a moving experience.
Some days a piece of pottery (ceramic to archeologists) will
appear and the creator can be visualized. In Texas much of the
every day pottery is call cord marked or Borger cord marked
...this means that after a pot is formed a cord of some kind of plant
material is wrapped around it to make it rough. This makes the
pot easier to handle and the cook is less apt to drop it. The color
is dull tan or brown or a black if the pot is placed near the fire.
Not too exciting like New Mexico pottery...but you need to know
that that beautiful polished black pottery is black because it
is fired in manure. Some poet wrote about the beautiful things
that come from non lovely things. This is an example.
More about Fridays some other time...Hope yours was good.,